2006/02/19 | 0219homework
类别(昕昕的知识小屋) | 评论(1) | 阅读(29) | 发表于 23:42
The National Gegraphic Channel film follows the special effects team as it made and placed copies(companies) of more than 170 stones.Crawley Creatures (Crony creature) said it would(was)finish (finished) project by June 21 2005.That was the summer solstice the longest day of ever year.The wintersolstice on Dec21 is the shortest day of the year. <BR />
The special effect team shaped(***) and cut the copied(couple) stones.They used a light weight material called Styrofoam(&&phone).The workers had to follow Mr.Pitts'(Peter's) design exactly. <BR />
Even the smaller msitake could have harmed(hard ) the project.For example if the lintels(litters) was cut wrong they could not lie correctly on the up right stones.But after 3 months of hard work,the team was ready to put the replag in place. <BR />
The Britaish department of the Defense lent (defands let) the company a special train to carry the Styrofoam Stonehenge(this starphone) .like(let) the real stone henge .the replica was to stand on Salisbury Plain.(sales evey plane).The team succeeded in setting it up by June20.But all that night the designers worried Would(with) the winds blow over some of the copied (copper) stones? in the norning however the replica lookede fine. <BR />
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[生词] <BR />
solstice n.至,至日,顶点,最高点,转折点 <BR />
summer solstice 夏至 <BR />
lightweight n.轻量级选手,不能胜任者 a.轻量级的,不重要的 <BR />
styrofoam n.聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料 <BR />
lintel n.楣(窗,门等上方的横木) <BR />
replica n.复制品,一样的东西 <BR />
blow over 经历,被淡忘,吹散
